
Stability of weak solutions to climate dynamics model with effects of topography and non-constant external force


LIAN RuXu* , ZENG QingCun & JIN JiangBo

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China



In this paper, a climate dynamics model with the effects of topography and a non-constant external force, which consists of the Navier-Stokes equations and a temperature equation arising from the evolution process of the atmosphere, was considered. Under certain assumptions imposed on the initial data and by using some delicate estimates and compactness arguments, we proved the L1 -stability of weak solutions to the atmospheric equations.


Key words:

Climate dynamics, Atmospheric equation, Weak solutions, Stability, topography



Lian R XZeng Q CJin J B. 2017. Stability of weak solutions to Climate Dynamics model with effects of topography and non-constant external force. Science China Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-017-9108-1.

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