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Stochastic modeling the effect of wind gust on dust entrainment during sand storm

CHENG XueLing, ZENG QingCun & HU Fei* 
State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China.......


After the passage of a cold front, spring in northern China the outbreak of strong wind is often accompanied by dust emissions.Owing to the coherent structure of wind gust, dust particles can effectively overcome  the systematic descending air motion and penetrate into the middle and upper levels of the atmospheric boundary layer, and then propagate further and diffuse into the troposphere where ascending air motion prevails. Here, we consider the coherent structure of wind gust in LS models, and con-struct a model suitable for the dust entrainment under the dust-storm canopy. With the parameter of gust, we simulate the dust entrainment during dust storms, and test that the coherent structures of wind gust make the sand particles to reach the upper of the boundary layer.


wind gust, coherent structure, dust entrainment, Lagrangian stochastic model


Cheng X L, Zeng Q C, Hu F. Stochastic modeling the effect of wind gust on dust entrainment during sand storm. Chin Sci Bull, 2012, 57: 3595?3602, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5230-z